
Write stdin to stdout and file in Windows Console.

Write stdin to stdout and file in Windows Console.

  1. Download exe file.
  2. Copy to C:\Program_Files\Scripts.
  3. Add C:\Program_Files\Scripts to PATH environment variable.
> etee [--append|-a] [<output file>]

:: [] -> optional argument
:: <> -> argument value
:: view chapter 1 verse 1 of Bhagvad Gita
> etee < gita\c1\v1.txt

:: view chapter 1 verse 1 and save to c1.txt
> type gita\c1\v1.txt | etee gita\c1.txt

:: view chapter 1 verse 2 and append to c1.txt
> type gita\c1\v2.txt | etee --append gita\c1.txt
